Dementia care in your own home

Dementia is a word frequently heard in the modern world, especially with regard to elderly people. One definition of dementia is a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury which is marked by memory disorders, personality changes and impaired reasoning. It can cause huge problems for both the patient and their families. It is one of the main reason why people ask for care in their own home. Dementia home care is something that Acquire Care Ltd. can supply, both as hourly care in your own home or as live-in dementia care.

People are always suggesting new ways to postpone the onset of dementia. Most types of dementia cannot be cured but there are certain exceptions. These include dementia caused by vitamin or thyroid hormone deficiencies which can be treated with supplements. Also it is possible for some causes to be treated surgically. For dementia that cannot be cured, there is hope that some medicines can slow down or prevent the symptoms getting worse. Using dementia home care services will help you or a loved one to live in familiar surroundings, amongst valued possessions but with the level of care that is needed. A carer from Acquire Care Ltd. can help by checking that medication is taken as prescribed as well as supplying trained home care services.

There are many things can be done to stop dementia in its tracks and to slow down its progress. These include managing high blood pressure, high cholesterol and type 1 diabetes. Smoking also has a worsening effect on dementia so not smoking has a big impact in improving and reducing the risk factor. Ideally, not smoking at all throughout one’s life is the best but if you are a smoker, then the advice is to totally stop immediately.

Exercise is also an important factor. The more exercise that is done during middle age and continued on into later life is an excellent risk reducer. Of course, though, not everyone is able to walk an hour a day, dance the night away or visit a gym when they become older. Instead, people are being recommended to keep their brains active and try to stay mentally fit in the hope of delaying or preventing dementia. Using one’s brain will promote creativity and self expression. By keeping the brain active, the body is able to combat dementia and memory impairment problems. There are many ways of doing this: attempt to do a crossword a day, try Sodoku, build a model of a building or plane or make a jigsaw are a few. Painting, singing or playing computer games and card games such as Bridge are some more. If the activities can be done as a couple or with a group of friends, so much the better. In the past, this used to be called ‘having a hobby’ but now this is known to be a life-improvement activity.

By supplying dementia home care, Acquire Care Ltd. can arrange for someone to help you enjoy a hobby as well as providing home care services. Choose a new hobby, enjoy it and feel better for making your brain work. Let Acquire Care Ltd. help you to defy dementia.