Now That Summer Has Arrived

Following on from the recent article ‘Coping with Dementia and Hot Weather’, as summer is now with us, it is time to check that elderly friends and relatives are coping well with the changes of temperatures. For example, as mentioned in the previous article, are they:

  • drinking lots of water and not becoming dehydrated
  • dressing appropriately for hot weather in clothes made from cotton-type materials
  • keeping their house as cool as needed
  • avoiding the mid day sun
  • having friends and family visit as often as possible

Diet is also important. According to the NHS website, everyone should ‘eat well’. Eating a balanced diet of ‘a wide variety of foods in the right proportions is an important part of maintaining good health. The NHS website states that 5 a Day is still considered to be the correct way to count a person’s daily consumption of fruit and vegetables. Although these can be frozen, canned, dried or juiced – what is nicer than having and eating fresh, locally sourced fruit and vegetables such as raspberries, strawberries, beans or peas? Many can be eaten raw, cooked or even made into a refreshing smoothie.

Many elderly people ‘lose’ their appetite in warm weather so it is important to tempt them with interesting looking and tasting dishes. It also may be they are finding it difficult or unable to prepare meals themselves. Clues that indicate that someone might be having problems and need help with their meals could be:

  • spoiled food or food past eat by date
  • an empty fridge
  • burners left on
  • cooking or cutting skills are diminishing
  • pans burnt ie food being over cooked
  • pans and plates not washed up

If this is the case and you think your loved one needs help or if you, yourself, decides you need help to live healthily and wish to stay in your own home, then Acquire Care can help. Please contact the Office team on 01865 601010, email or visit the website and a friendly, helpful member of the team will be able to help you.