Coronavirus Covid -19 Update

As the Coronvirus Covid-19 outbreak is now causing an unprecedented pandemic throughout the UK, it is wished to ensure that everyone stays as safe as possible at this uncertain time. The Government has issued a stay at home policy for everyone except for key workers. For more details please visit Acquire Care’s employees are classed as key workers so it is wished to make sure that all our employees and clients remain as safe as possible. The following advice though, is also applicable for people who are not employed by the Company i.e. the wider community.

Firstly, please stay up to date with the guidance from the Government. This is very important.

Look out for neighbours, colleagues, relatives or friends who might need help. This could be in the form of a friendly phone call or note through their door asking how they are? It might be in the form of more practical help such as helping with food items.

Also, please watch out for yourselves. The suggestion is to follow the following points on how to avoid catching and spreading the virus:

  • Practice social distancing whenever possible.
  • Wash your hands and wrists as often as possible but definitely whenever entering a client’s house and also when leaving the house.
  • Do not shake hands, hug or kiss people, friends or relatives apart from your immediate family. Try other alternatives such as elbow touching or just smiling.
  • Do not share cups or water bottles.
  • Do not share cutlery or crockery without thoroughly cleaning.
  • Do not share food or drink that might have come into contact with others first.
  • Clean the rims of any drink cans or bottles before using.
  • Always wear new disposable gloves and plastic apron every time you visit a client. Wear masks if wished/needed.
  • Wash your uniform or clothes every day.
  • Clean working surfaces as often as possible with the correct anti-bacterial cleaning solutions.
  • Clean keyboards and other office equipment frequently.
  • Clean your phones often (including your mobiles). Do not use other people’s phones unless necessary.
  • Wash your hands when entering or leaving buildings or where other people may have touched surfaces or door handles. Use hand sanitiser if there are no washing facilities available. Clean your own door handles with anti-bacterial solutions.
  • Use Skype, Face-Time or the telephone to talk with friends and families.

The NHS website also has information about the virus and how to stay safe.

If you are at home and unable to go to the shops or need help to stay in your own home, please contact Acquire Care. To discover what type of helpful friendly care can be supplied to help you or a loved one to stay at home, phone 01865 601 010. Alternatively email or visit the website

We are very proud at how our staff have rallied round at this unprecedented time. Thank you to all of you who are visiting our vulnerable clients and providing the helpful, friendly care that is needed. Well done and thank you also to the office staff for organising all the important back-up work needed.